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 Special thanks and credit to:

Danielle Wood, Matthew Bullerdick, Alston Jackson, Kade Russow, Bailey Richeson, Megan Brown, Hagen Reedy, and others. You all have helped me so much be it modeling, work shopping, or even just supporting me. I need you!

Step into a world beneath the masks we wear.

 See the holes they leave behind.


Garrid R. Halsey

       This piece addresses the void some feel to achieve beauty. The cavernous spaces left are desirable, yet haunting. Society forces idealistic standards into the heads of young women and men and poisons the mirror they gaze into. Forcing them to carve away pieces of their being in many methods, be it dieting of any extreme, eating disorders of a vast spectrum, plastic surgery, or general dysmorphic feelings and behaviors. Hiding these practices in a society that preaches “skinny fashion” just to shame its followers is necessary. True body standards, health practices and ideals need to be introduced into societies all across the world. It is important to remember that those who suffer from this pressure and chose to act as a response to change themselves are not broken and need support. Take off your masks; reveal your voids; fill your soul; and relish in your true beauty. You are not your disease.


Garrid R. Halsey

       Intrusion speaks for victims of sexual abuse.  These victims tend to be treated with an overwhelming sense of isolation and distrust. This leaves behind emptiness, and self-loathing. Statistics on this issue are among the most inaccurate because victims often never file a report. This epidemic of sexual mishandling is growing under our nose while being ignored and shamed away.  I once heard that we need to stop teaching girls how to not get raped and start teaching boys that rape is never an option. I support this statement but feel that it’s missing some key components. We must also teach society that rape cannot be ignored and support must be given to the abused. This culture of sweeping a sex crime under the rug or shaming the victim only leads to repeat offenders, and silent sufferers.  My last caveat is that sexual abuse is not a fear for only one gender. Although women are the leading targets, anyone can suffer. If we continue to treat rape and other forms of sexual abuse as a one-sided issue for one gender to fix, we will never be able to end its terror. We must teach that no one should live in fear of sexual assault because consent and mutual respect is a responsibility we all share. There should be no more intrusions.


Garrid R. Halsey


      This time beneath the mask is a being filled with anxiety, experiencing pits as they develop, and devour. This feeling is different for everyone. Some experience a jittering craze lifting them away. Others feel a weight they can’t escape dragging them through the floor. This depicts spinning sinkholes with opposing rotation. If they could just spin the same way… it would all be okay. Asking for help or trying to explain the problem could never fix it. Society begs those with anxiety and depression to cover their pits and suffer in silence, their voices missing. This is not a weakness; it’s a misunderstood empathetic response. Why should we tell those who suffer to stay quiet when we could provide support and reassurance? Why should they hide when we could provide compassion?


Garrid R. Halsey

     For another peek behind the mask, I’d like to visit the idea of masculinity and societal pressures on men to be emotion free. The idea of a strong man hangs on the ability to suppress your emotional whims and act as a hardened machine. Consistent harboring and elimination of one’s emotions can lead to an inept ability to handle and process tragedies, understand social situations, empathize with others emotions, and even lead to developing signs of depression or bipolar tendencies. However, men find it far more acceptable to risk the side effects of this suppression than to compromise their “masculinity” and society’s view of their identity. I believe the mark of a true and mature man is one who can process and display their emotions openly in a healthy manor. This type of a man is rare in today’s culture and should unquestionably be promoted instead of damned as improper behavior.


Garrid R. Halsey

     What do you look like with no mask on?

     The works on display depict common struggles of today’s society in a relatable way. Masked Holes is a collection of large form digital prints created on Adobe Illustrator depicting everyday mental illnesses and disorders through abstract portraiture. Each portrait has enough detail to show a person the viewer feels they may know, while remaining featureless enough that the viewer can picture themself, or a best friend as the model.  Each image focuses on a different subject that social norms demand remain silent while exposing its damages through symbolic depictions.  This work was inspired by the stories and experiences of those closest to my heart: the hard conversations where someone took of their “mask” and showed me what was hollowing them inside.


Garrid R. Halsey

       Confinement depicts the hollow feeling of being trapped in an abusive situation. Support is the most important thing to offer. Some may not realize the extent of their abuse and encouragement will begin to shine a light on what’s really happening. While in other situations, these targets are completely aware of a situation that may seem inescapable. Abuse is a blanket statement under which falls an array of stories. It is vital to shine a light on these subjects because we have to learn from the past and present to affect the future. No matter the situation, the world should recognize the restraints, ease the grips, and embrace the confined - filling the empty husk with hope for the future. For those suffering understand that this is not your fault, you never deserve to be in danger. You are strong and may be the only one who can fully understand what you’re going through. Seek someone to confide in, they may be able to save your life or mend your heart.




Garrid R. Halsey

       ADHD is a commonly stigmatized attribute. Children and adults like are told they can’t learn, will never progress, and should just sit still. There is so much more to ADHD than that. Commonly misunderstood, attention deficit hyperactive disorder stems from the idea that someone’s brain accepts more input at once and has trouble focusing on one thing. When a person with an ADHD brain learns how to work, learn, and study in a way that works for them, this disorder can become a super power. This, however, can seem impossible when constantly faced with criticism, failure, and stigmatization. It is our responsibility as a society to stop trying to change how others learn and instead learn to change to work with them. 

Guest Book

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